The Friars in procession during the Mass of Final profession, Silver Jubilee anniversary, and the celebration of the 40 years of the presence of the Capuchins in Nigeria. September 28th, 2024.
The Three Friars in procession during the Mass of their Final profession. September 28th, 2024.
The Friars singing during the Mass of temporary profession. 2024.
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It seems as though Mary disregarded the voice of God the Son when he said “my time has not yet come” however that was not the case. As a loving mother, she knew her son and Christ, in turn, simply showed love, and care for, and was obedient to his blessed mother. And so, when “Mary said to the servants 'do whatever he tells you',” they obeyed with trust in the words of Mary and Jesus. We too ought to be loving servants of the divine master, and from time to time, we hear his voice in various ways, and through different means his voices echoes in our hearts, in and through our fellow loving brothers and sisters, as well as in and through those placed as authorities over us. These are instruments of his kindness and love.
He was born in 1559. He entered the Capuchin Friars, taught theology to his fellow religious, and was chosen to fill positions of leadership in his Order. He became famous throughout Europe as an effective preacher. He wrote many works explaining the faith and died at Lisbon in 1619.
Do you feel deeply drawn to a life of intimacy with God? Would you love to imitate Jesus in his life of complete self-emptying (humility and poverty)? Would you love to live like him in the life of total dedication to the will of God? Then join us!
Francis of Assisi assured his brothers that they will never lack, provided they live the life faithfully: "People will surely provide for your needs." Down the centuries, the Franciscan Order has survived on the charity of people.
Being a mendicant Order, we rely on divine providence for sustenance, that means, we beg for food and financial support from the faithful. We need your help and as the Lord said: "He who gives a prophet a cup of water because he is a prophet will have the prophet's reward."
We also need your help to promote our apostolate which are largely non-profit oriented. As you help us in any way, no matter how little, to carry on with our life of witnessing to the Gospel, we assure you of our prayers and implore God's blessings on you.